today is Memorial Day here in the States, a holiday best
described as a 3-day drunken festival of debauchery
and bedlam. nobody even cares what the holiday's even
about... only that we get an extra day over the first week-
end of Summer to party like a bunch of big, dumb animals.
myself, since I have the day off from work, have decided
to bring you into my own kitchen, as we're going to be
Cooking With Shtein this weekend! now, most of these
reckless images can be enraged by clicking on them. the
top image is an overview of the place. close ups below:




next, you need to get some supplies. yup. there's all kinds of
interesting stuff involved when you're Cooking With Shtein...

... namely, the key ingredient, and our
focus today, Shtein Nuggets. yessiree.

Shtein Nuggets are fun and harmless.
I use 'em in my office for a paperweight.

if you're serving 50 people or more, you
might want to consider the industrial tote...

... or, you could harvest your own, as long as you have
all the proper Shtein-gathering equipment and staff.

mmmm, mmmm, mmmm... and, inside, it's delicious!

hey, be careful, though, 'cause
Shtein Nuggets are flammable.

you're better off using a frying pan,
or, maybe a George Foreman Grill.
what a mess.

that's all there is to it, campers! ya just pop open a can,
and heat 'em up. simple. elegant. soooooo cosmopolitan.
oh, one other small thing... make sure you have plenty
of barf bags available. hey, you're gonna need 'em. yup.

today is Memorial Day here in the States, a holiday best
described as a 3-day drunken festival of debauchery
and bedlam. nobody even cares what the holiday's even
about... only that we get an extra day over the first week-
end of Summer to party like a bunch of big, dumb animals.
myself, since I have the day off from work, have decided
to bring you into my own kitchen, as we're going to be
Cooking With Shtein this weekend! now, most of these
reckless images can be enraged by clicking on them. the
top image is an overview of the place. close ups below:




next, you need to get some supplies. yup. there's all kinds of
interesting stuff involved when you're Cooking With Shtein...

... namely, the key ingredient, and our
focus today, Shtein Nuggets. yessiree.

Shtein Nuggets are fun and harmless.
I use 'em in my office for a paperweight.

if you're serving 50 people or more, you
might want to consider the industrial tote...

... or, you could harvest your own, as long as you have
all the proper Shtein-gathering equipment and staff.

mmmm, mmmm, mmmm... and, inside, it's delicious!

hey, be careful, though, 'cause
Shtein Nuggets are flammable.

you're better off using a frying pan,
or, maybe a George Foreman Grill.
what a mess.

that's all there is to it, campers! ya just pop open a can,
and heat 'em up. simple. elegant. soooooo cosmopolitan.
oh, one other small thing... make sure you have plenty
of barf bags available. hey, you're gonna need 'em. yup.

today is Memorial Day here in the States, a holiday best
described as a 3-day drunken festival of debauchery
and bedlam. nobody even cares what the holiday's even
about... only that we get an extra day over the first week-
end of Summer to party like a bunch of big, dumb animals.
myself, since I have the day off from work, have decided
to bring you into my own kitchen, as we're going to be
Cooking With Shtein this weekend! now, most of these
reckless images can be enraged by clicking on them. the
top image is an overview of the place. close ups below:




next, you need to get some supplies. yup. there's all kinds of
interesting stuff involved when you're Cooking With Shtein...

... namely, the key ingredient, and our
focus today, Shtein Nuggets. yessiree.

Shtein Nuggets are fun and harmless.
I use 'em in my office for a paperweight.

if you're serving 50 people or more, you
might want to consider the industrial tote...

... or, you could harvest your own, as long as you have
all the proper Shtein-gathering equipment and staff.

mmmm, mmmm, mmmm... and, inside, it's delicious!

hey, be careful, though, 'cause
Shtein Nuggets are flammable.

you're better off using a frying pan,
or, maybe a George Foreman Grill.
what a mess.

that's all there is to it, campers! ya just pop open a can,
and heat 'em up. simple. elegant. soooooo cosmopolitan.
oh, one other small thing... make sure you have plenty
of barf bags available. hey, you're gonna need 'em. yup.
Well, good goddamm! Things looking yummy over your end of the world. The hell with the Memorial Day I feel inadequate.
got shtein?
see, that's a bit of a misconception at these modern, now-a-go-go cookouts...
are neither lettuce, nor, rather, perhaps, a kernel of korn, also, not proper fodder for one's grill?; or, at least AT the cook-out, as is The Beloved Nugget?
No! a salad and piece of corn may not grill well...
...and, yet, these are not strangers to our land, our cookouts, our part of the "world", yes?
it is all perception, Nigel, my "deads"-hanging compatriot, as the nugget lore just needs a chance to spread it's wings, much as a baby bird, whenst first booted from the nest...
embrace the nugget, as one would... a brand-new religion-- oh, Holiest Nugget, art Thou, yes, bringer of nugget-ness unto the masses, the people, the deads?!?!
oh, bloody Hell, fuck it.
suppose we just have us a good ol' Cadaver-Toss?
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